Do I Have Anxiety?

Do I Have Anxiety?

Do you normally ask yourself questions like: Do I have anxiety? Do I have a mental problem? How can I fix this? Will I ever get better? Everyone at some point in their lives has worries, frustrations, and fears. But sometimes, these fears and anxieties become so hard to control, and it consumes the mind.

What most people don’t know is that normal anxiety is perfectly natural, because it is a normal feeling. People get scared all the time. It is also a normal human reaction to feel worried or nervous. But, the real question is, how can you tell if your normal day-to-day anxiety levels have crossed the line into a disorder?

For one, it is not easy to determine these types of things, and it would often leave you confused because it seems very normal. Our body and mind easily adapts to current conditions even they are not optimum and even do harm for us in the long run.

Anxiety comes in many different types, and if you are experiencing amplified panic attacks, phobias, and social anxieties, then the distinction between normal and disorder have already been crossed.

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Signs of anxiety that you need to look for

There are many signs that you can look into that can determine if you have a disorder or not. And it is important that you confirm this with a doctor. It is hard to diagnose yourself because there are a lot of factors that you will need to take into consideration before you can call yourself a person with a mental illness. Naturally, using a safe and effective self-help program can be a tremendous help and you don’t need any diagnosis for that. However, talking with a professional is recommended.

A borderline anxiety patient is hard to distinguish from someone with a full disorder, which is why it is better to go to a doctor, but if you do not want to go to a doctor, you can check these signs and treat them with the self-help program:

Problems with sleep

For most people, having trouble falling asleep can be associated with stress and frustration, but if you look into it very closely, insomnia can cause anxiety, and anxiety can cause insomnia. These two are associated with one another and can be very hard to determine which is the culprit for why you cannot sleep at night.

Sometimes the reason why you cannot go to sleep at night is because you are already planning things in your head for the next day, or you can be worried about something that you do not have the solution to yet, and you are trying to find ways to fix it.

To give you a vivid picture of what insomnia is, it is like having voices in your head. They are sometimes so loud that it becomes so unsettling like there’s a bunch of different people in your head talking to you all at the same time.

The voices become louder and louder until finally, you realize that it is already morning, and you have managed to stay up the entire night because the voices inside your head would not stop talking to you.

To a patient with anxiety, these voices are like monsters. They are twice as loud, twice as insulting, and twice as judgmental. Which is why they end up having anxiety attacks because they create voices in their head that are normally not supposed to be there.

But all metaphors aside, insomnia is a side effect of overthinking which is caused by the overactivation of the autonomic nervous system, and it is also a form of anxiety. Anxiety patients are prescribed sleeping pills at times, because they cannot get to sleep and if they do end up falling asleep, they have trouble STAYING asleep.

You have stage fright

Stage fright can be a product of a traumatic experience you have encountered while you were young. This is unfortunate because classmates or even parents can cause it. Some parents do not know that their child, if humiliated publicly, becomes traumatized, and this is often why they develop stage fright.

Or it can also be because you made a mistake in front of a large crowd, and you were reprimanded in front of so many people. This event will forever be etched in a child’s mind, and they will bring it with them wherever they go. When they see the same situation, the result will often make them freeze up and become very scared.

There are a lot of underlying causes for why you develop stage fright, but in general, this type of phobia is a form of anxiety that is created by traumatic experiences. If this phobia becomes so severe that you still need someone to secure you that everything will be all right, then you might have a form of social anxiety or otherwise known as a social phobia.

People with this type of phobia are able to overcome it, but they are left with an uncomfortable feeling afterward, wondering if the people watching judged their actions. They will dwell on this for a period of time until it triggers their anxiety attacks.

If you have this, you can ask a doctor “Do I have anxiety?” and they will most definitely give you a yes.

Frequent panic attacks

Panic attacks can be very terrifying. Though this is quite common in anxiety patients, this type of attack can be triggered by anything, and can happen to anyone.

Panic attacks are that sudden feeling of fear, helplessness, and nervousness that can happen for a period of several minutes. This type of attack can usually be accompanied by frightening physical symptoms like sweating, pounding or heart racing, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, weakness, chest pains, feeling cold or hot, tingling or a numb feeling in the hands, and stomach pains.

Not all people who encounter a panic attack has an anxiety disorder, however, people who do experience these kinds of things on a regular basis, may be diagnosed with a panic disorder. People with this condition live in fear every day, and they often anticipate when, where and why their next panic attack may happen.

Experiencing flashbacks

If you have experienced a traumatic accident or became a victim of rape, or were part of the army, then you may be experiencing a type of anxiety called posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD.

This type of condition is commonly found in soldiers that have just been discharged from the army, or rape victims. This type of disorder relives the disturbing and traumatic events that you have encountered over and over.

Though it may have characteristics of a stand-alone condition, it is actually associated with anxiety, because this type of disorder is a state of mind. It prevents the patient from getting proper rest at night or even hinder them from working or socializing properly with other people.

Doctors have a special prescription for PTSD because this often causes insomnia. Depending on the severity of the traumatic event, doctors will prescribe you with downers that can help you become relaxed and sleep better at night.

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If you are experiencing these type of symptoms frequently, it is important that you visit a psychologist or other professional who can treat you and enable you to manage your thoughts and emotions better. If you are not ready to talk about your problems yet, an effective and proven-to-work self-help program is worth trying. More than 97% of people have got help from PanicMiracle. Maybe it even saves you a trip to psychologist and some money, who knows.

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