Dealing with Social Anxiety

Dealing with Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is more than the usual nervousness many of us feel when confronted with a degree of social exposure. Giving a public speech or taking part in a job interview are for many of us things that cause a certain level of self-consciousness. This feeling of jitters is something we have actually inherited from our ancestors, who benefited from it by fearing uncertain events because of it.

Nowadays, there is apparently no need for it since we’re not exposed to the threats of nature our ancestors faced thousands years ago. However, nervousness is an emotion that to this day saves us from failing at certain aspects of life.

Preparing a speech you’re about to give in front of an audience, for example, is something that causes a great deal of healthy nervousness. If it weren’t so, there would be a chance of taking things like that too lightly, and hence not delivering the best effort of which we’re capable.

As we can see from this example, stage fright, jitters, nervousness and anxiety (to a certain extent) are required in order for us humans to achieve our goals. The higher the stakes are, the more nervous we become, which is absolutely normal and required to perform in society.

However, some people suffer from an abundance of this emotion of anxiety in social occasions, which can have damaging effects on that person’s social life. Seemingly normal, everyday things like using the public restroom, talking to strangers or dating become intolerable to them.

People who suffer from social anxiety are not only punished by this awful mental health condition, but are also often the subject of ridicule from those who don’t understand that this anxiety is much more than the usual nervousness they feel sometimes.

Finding a treatment for this condition has become a goal for many scientists. There are many different ways on how to approach this anxiety disorder; some include medication, while other treatments promote an alternative drug-free approach. We will now list some of the ways you can deal with social anxiety in hope of inspiring you to become more confident and able to participate in social events without any feeling of unease.


Meditation has been, for millennia, the go-to method of achieving inner peace for many different nations throughout history. It’s basically the notion of achieving a deeper understanding of something by practicing special breathing techniques and immersing oneself into deep contemplation.

Of course, meditation is much more than this. There is a wide variety of different types of meditation, but the thing they have in common is always the idea of finding inner peace and becoming more confident.

If you’re suffering from social anxiety and think that a lack of balance between your body and your spirit is the reason for it, then we would recommend trying meditation to you.

Holistic approaches

If meditation is not something you think can help with your social anxiety and you need a more complete approach to the problem, then we would suggest you try one of the holistic programs for dealing with anxiety in general.

PanicMiracle is a holistic program that is conceptualized around approaching anxiety in general in the most detailed way possible. The program does not only give you advice on how to treat your anxiety, but it also tries to educate you about your inner self; that’s to say, what constitutes your symptoms of social anxiety.

Once you know the answer to this question, you’re ready to begin seeking different approaches towards treating the root of the problem. If you’re the type of person that wants to know exactly the root of the problem, then this approach is certainly for you.


Hobbies are not just there to fill in your free time, they’re a crucial part of life for anyone, especially for those who suffer from social anxiety.

Hobbies give us purpose. They give us confidence we need in order to step-up for ourselves. It doesn’t matter what it is: knitting, crocheting, basketball, writing poetry, reading, singing, playing a musical instrument, etc. Hobbies give us the opportunity to express ourselves and to demonstrate that we have enough confidence to tackle any challenge.

If you think that your social anxiety is rooted in a lack of confidence, then we highly recommend finding a hobby and/learning a new skill in order to prove to yourself that you have it in you to accomplish something. Try out as many things as possible until you find the thing you’re really good at.

Change your lifestyle

If you don’t feel comfortable the way you’re living your life, change it. There’s nothing wrong with making drastic decisions if it will benefit you and make you a more open person.

Be it your diet; the way you dress; or the places you go, make a change. The worst that can happen is that you’re, for a brief moment, less comfortable. If that’s the case with the new choice you made, just turn back and try something different. It’s your life and only you are able to change it for the better if you want to.

If you’re the kind of person that thinks that the way you live your life has nothing to do with the true nature of how you feel, then this advice is certainly for you. Make a change for the better.

Surround yourself with people that are good for you

Unfortunately, there are many people out there who want to take advantage of those who have a lack of confidence. If you feel that you’re currently surrounded by people who put you down and don’t give you comfort when you need it the most, then let go of them.

True friends don’t feed of off your misery; they try to help you and give their best to make you feel good about yourself.

If you’re recognizing yourself in this part, it’s definitely time to, not necessarily find new friends right away, but to certainly surround yourself with positive people.

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