Cause of Panic Attacks

Cause of Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are considered as being an illness of the modern age. A sudden burst of emotions, anxiety and fears is not something unusual in the fast-paced world we’re living in today. Technology has given us many great things; we’re able to communicate with each other from any place in the world, distances are no longer an issue due to the internet and business is conducted in a matter of seconds, whereas a couple of decades ago it would have taken months.

As good as all this may sound, there’s a major issue with mental health that’s developed alongside this technological revolution. Anxiety and stress are the major problems we face from day to day while trying to keep up with all the information we have to take in.

The information age has certainly taken its toll on our mental health, but it has also given us the possibility to find great ways in dealing with it as well. Holistic systems like PanicMiracle give us the opportunity to deal with panic attacks and anxiety without the need of medication or any other kind of treatment that could cause negative side effects.

Nevertheless, panic attacks are a concern of everyone regardless of what we think our stress level is. Knowing the causes of such mental states is often the key to preventing them before they happen. The problem here is that there are many misconceptions on what causes panic attacks.

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Many sufferers of this kind of acute illness are aware of how randomly they can occur. Often, panic attacks happen without any warning, even to those who think they’re completely relaxed. Some people may even experience panic attacks at night during sleep – these panic attacks can leave a feeling of unease during the entire day after waking up, and are often the reason behind lack of sleep which can be another cause of stress and anxiety.

As you can see, this vicious circle is something that can be very hard to escape from. That’s why it’s very important to notice as soon as possible whether or not you are suffering from panic attacks, anxiety and stress before it’s too late.

What does a panic attack look like?

First of all, panic attacks may manifest themselves in many forms depending on who you’re asking. Some people suffer from panic attacks without even knowing it’s a panic attack. Heavy breathing a feeling of unease in your own skin, sudden waves of warmth or cold; these are some of the more common symptoms of panic attacks.

As we mentioned before, lack of sleep can also be a big factor in whether or not you’re at the risk of having a panic attacks or not. Some people who’ve lived through panic attacks during the night know how difficult it is to find comfort and a good night’s rest, knowing that even then there’s a chance of having a sudden burst of anxiety and arrhythmia.

This leads us to another very important aspect of knowing as much as possible about panic attacks: signs and symptoms. Usually, having a panic attack doesn’t take longer than 30 minutes. Most of them are much shorter than that.

The average duration of a panic attack is usually 10 minutes and is characterized by some very distinct signs like heart palpitations or a racing heart, hot or cold flashes, shortness of breath or hyperventilation, choking feelings, feeling unreal or detached from your surroundings, trembling or shaking, sweating, nausea or an upset stomach, numbness or tingling sensations, fear of dying, losing control, or going crazy, chest pains or discomfort, feeling dizzy, light-headed, or faint etc.

What are the causes of panic attacks?

Panic attacks are quite tricky to pin down when it comes to the things that cause them. Of course, over the years of studying panic attacks, we’ve got many proven answers and theories on what the main causes may be but, as we’ve said before, finding all possible reasons for this kind of disorder is very elusive in its nature.

Stress is often considered one of the most common causes of panic attacks and mental unease in general. The fast-paced times we live in are bombarding us with information we have to process every day. News, trends, social media, videos, music; it seems like every day there’s a lifetime’s supply of new stuff we discover, and whether we want it or not, our brain processes this information.

Subconsciously, we’re filling ourselves with data from the moment we wake up until we fall asleep. During sleep, we process the new information we have. However, since there’s simply too much of it, we overload our mental capacity and start feeling stressed out.

Another cause for panic attacks is genetics. If there’s a history of panic attacks running in your family, chances are you’re going to suffer from them as well. Unfortunately, there’s little that can be done in cases like this though conventional medicine, but holistic approaches like the one we mentioned earlier – PanicMiracles – can prevent panic attacks from affecting your day-to-day life.

Other causes of panic attacks are low blood sugar, medication withdrawal, drug abuse, high intakes of caffeine, heart problems, lack of sleep, traumatic events etc. If you’re exposed to any of the mentioned conditioned, you should take great care in preventing yourself from experiencing unhealthy amounts of stress.

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How to treat panic attacks

Psychotherapy is often chosen by those who suffer from panic attacks caused by emotional distress and trauma. These experiences are not necessary explicit in nature, but more often than not subconsciously present in our mind.

Medication in the form of anti-depressant drugs are often recommended to panic attack sufferers, although the side effects of those drugs may cause other health problems and thus are not recommended for everyone.

Getting rid of stress is often the best way to prevent panic attacks. Meditation or holistic programs like PanicMiracle are great for this kind of treatment and ,the best part is, they’re suitable for everyone.

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