Vitamin D and Anxiety

Vitamin D and Anxiety

Our body and mind need vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. One of the most important vitamins that the body needs is Vitamin D as D3. It is a fat-soluble nutrient, and every adult is recommended about 600 international units of Vitamin D daily, though many health experts say this is far too little.

This vitamin has loads of benefits. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to many health problems as well. Well in most of the cases you can overcome the Vitamin D deficiency by including Vitamin D rich food items in your diet.

However, when the deficiency is severe, then you might need proper medication to address the issue. It is very important to understand the significance of Vitamin D for your health so the following information will give you an overview of Vitamin D and its importance for the body.


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The Role of Vitamin D in Our Body

Vitamin D benefits the body in various ways. The most important role of Vitamin D is that it helps in the absorption of calcium. Apart from this Vitamin D helps in building up the bones and keeping them healthy and strong. It also helps in the blocking of parathyroid hormone. This hormone can cause the bones to become brittle. Talking about hormones, Vitamin D is also an unique vitamin in the sense that your body turns it into a hormone.

The most important aspect of Vitamin D is that it strengthens the immune system and helps to make the muscle system strong. It is very important that you should have a strong immune system because a strong immune system helps to fight various infections and diseases. Vitamin D helps to regulate the blood pressure as well, so if you are consuming too little Vitamin D, then it can lead to high blood pressure.

Vitamin D affects your mental health as well. Thus, a deficiency of Vitamin D can affect the development of the brain as well the brain function. Vitamin D activates those genes that help to release the neurotransmitters. The deficiency of Vitamin D is also one of the causes of depression.

Different Sources of Vitamin D

The natural source of Vitamin D is sun exposure. When the skin is exposed to sunlight, then you will get an adequate Vitamin D supply. You can get the maximum sun exposure during the summers. However, the Vitamin D supply is comparatively less in the winter season. Apart from this, there are many other food items that help to supply the vitamin D. The following are some of the major sources of Vitamin D.

  • Cooked salmon ( Serving: 3 ounces)
  • Cod liver oil ( Serving: 1 tablespoon)
  • Canned tuna ( Serving: 3 ounces)
  • Whole milk ( Serving: 1 cup)
  • Yogurt ( Serving: 6 ounces)
  • Egg yolk
  • Cheese ( Serving: 1 ounce)

Vitamin D Deficiency and Anxiety

Nowadays many of us are a common victim of anxiety. Most of you attribute your anxiety to stress. However, believe or not, Vitamin D deficiency can also be one of the causes of anxiety. Usually, when a patient is suffering from intense sadness and fear, then he should be tested for Vitamin D deficiency. The following are the key symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency related anxiety:

  • Fear, loneliness, and sorrow are some of the key symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency
  • Insomnia or weight changes might result when you are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency
  • Sweating and increased heartbeat as well as hypertension when you suffer from Vitamin D related anxiety

When you experience these symptoms make sure that you visit your physician at the earliest. The mistake most people do is that they try to counter the anxiety through anti-depressant pills. This will not be the right solution, and self-medication is not advisable, though natural, holistic self-help programs as well as other natural treatments are highly recommended. Anxiety and depression usually occur together. If Vitamin D related anxiety is left untreated, then it can lead to serious health issues. Thus, it is always better to nip the evil in the bud to avoid further complications.

Now if we look at the history, then Vitamin D has a strong relationship with anxiety. Historically watching the sun was a moment of celebration because this meant that food will be growing, and warmer weather will start. Not seeing the sun was often related to the fact that the food will be scarce. Thus, this means that our body has an instinctive awareness for sunlight.

Vitamin D and anxiety have a link with the lifestyle as well. For example, when you go out in the sunlight for your workouts or other activities then you are exposed to the sun, and it also helps to counter the anxiety level.

You need to understand the fact that anxiety can be deliberating condition and needs to be addressed at the earliest.

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Which Vitamin D Form to Take for Anxiety?

When you are suffering from anxiety, then the first step is to figure out the cause of the problem. When it is related to Vitamin D deficiency, then the first step can be to give the patient Vitamin D supplements. They can prove to be quite useful in countering the problem. Some doctors say everybody should take Vitamin D supplements, not only those who are suffering from different symptoms. However, before taking any Vitamin D supplement you should get your blood Vitamin D levels checked. That’s the only way to know if you are Vitamin D deficient or not.

In any case, make sure that you include Vitamin D in your daily diet. If you suffer from bouts of anxiety on a frequent basis, then only a Vitamin D test can give the real picture and then a physician can advise you accordingly. When you take Vitamin D on a regular basis, then you will experience a decrease in your anxiety levels. Make sure that you do not ignore the problem.

When you suffer from severe Vitamin D deficiency and anxiety, then it is always better to include Vitamin D3 supplement in your diet along with the regular Vitamin D food options. D3 is the right form, avoid D2 as your body cannot absorb it. Vitamin D3 is naturally in animal-based foods while D2 occurs in plant-based foods. Supplementing Vitamin D3 is the way you will be able to get faster results. The best line of action is to follow the physician’s instructions to the core so that you can get the results fast. Secondly, make it a point to consume Vitamin D with fat (as the vitamin is fat-soluble) for getting improved results.

Make it a routine to get your Vitamin D3 levels checked every three months. This way you can prevent the problem from getting severe. Remember, health is wealth!

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